lauantai 1. lokakuuta 2016

Deer Editor Kickstarter

DEER EDITOR: HACK Kickstarter ended last Thursday. We reached our fully funded goal in under 7 hours, which was pretty awesome. But it was more awesome that we ended on 514 backers, when we were aiming for 400 (54 more than last time)! We are very thankful for everyone who supported us. We hope you all dig Hack!

Here are some Deer Editor related reviews and interviews, which went live during the campaign:

Deer Editor: Hack Comic Review (Horror Talk)

Ryan K. Lindsay Grabs Deer Editor by the Horns (Comics Alliance)

“I decided to just slap this deer/man into the real world and watch how it unfolded” – Ryan K Lindsay on the origins of his utterly unique crime noir Deer Editor: Hack (Pipedream Comics)

Comic Book Review: Deer Editor #3 HACK (Slackjaw Punks)

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